[. . . ] Installed in the room, the moins 35 m3/h par kW de Eseguita la conversione da un (LPG), and can be easily à l'autre est facile, comme Tipo all'altro di gas, come converted from one type to expliqué dans les pages L'allacciamento alla rete di instructions given in the relative réseau de distribution doit être Specializzato e secondo le must be carried out by qualified des normes. Essere eseguito mediante un supply may be made via a rigid être effectué par tube Assieme Use two wrenches to turn the Important WARNING - IMPORTANT: after connecting the appliance to the gas supply (or to the liquid gas bottles) CHECK FOR LEAKS at the union using a solution of soapy water (never use a naked flame). Altro tipo di gas, accertatevi del appliance for operation with a vérifier que le gaz actuel est Power supply to the appliance; consulter la table des gicleurs. [. . . ] Make sure that surrounding Le matériau avec lequel le Del mobile e fissato con le fix it in place with the screws du meuble et fixé avec les Mento elettrico accertarsi to the mains power supply, chement électrique, s'assu- Targa matricola applicata plate on the front of the sur la plaque d'identifica- Il cavo in nessun punto The power cable should aux termes de la loi. Perature at any point along température supérieure de Non è provvisto di cavo di If a fixed appliance is not à la température ambiante. Alimentazione e di spina, provided with a power Si un appareil fixe n'a pas Contatti che consenta la supply, with a gap avec une distance Device must be fitted to the power supply in compliance with the regulations governing electrical installations. The socket or switch must be easily reachable with the oven fully installed. Safety precautions are not adoptées habituellement en Clean the oven thoroughly with soapy water and rinse well. To remove the lateral frames from smooth-walled ovens, proceed as shown in the figure. Operate the oven for about 20 minutes at maximum temperature to burn off all traces of grease which might otherwise create unpleasant smells when cooking. Rezza prima di procedere a before cleaning the oven, d'effectuer toute opération Qualsiasi operazione di puli- always disconnect the plug de nettoyage du four quelle Zia del forno staccare sem- from the power socket or the qu'elle soit, débrancher Pre la spina della presa di power cable from the oven. Hanno la possibilità di mon- can be fitted with self- peuvent être munis, à l'inté- These special panels are parois. Questi speciali pannelli, da simply hooked on to the Devant être accrochés sur Se dopo una cottura di cibi If the oven is not clean after graisse qui sont ainsi éli- Pulito, farlo funzionare a the empty oven for 60 mi- à plus de 200° C. Never wash or clean self- très gras, le faire fonctionner Quando è in with a safety valve. Per accendere il bruciatore, To light the burner, push in the manette du thermostat et la Termostato e ruotatela in senso turn it anticlockwise to the jusqu'à la température voulue. Tenete premuta la manopola Hold the knob pressed in for 5- Appuyer la manette pendant 5- Non azionate l'accensione per Do not operate the ignition for Ne pas actionner l'allumage Then turn the knob to d8WoW. Per accendere il bruciatore To turn on the bottom burner, Pour allumer le brûleur inférieur Inferiore premete la manopola push in the temperature control appuyer la manette du Tenete premuta la manopola Hold the knob pressed in for 5- Appuyer la manette pendant 5- To turn on the grill, turn the COMMANDE ATTENZIONE: quando si usa il WARNING: when using the grill, ATTENTION: lorsqu'on utilise L'accensione della luce forno e the oven interior light and the l'allumage de l'éclairage du Possono avere le varie the various functions in the peuvent avoir différentes By turning on the ventilator ventilée. [. . . ] Scegliendo questa forma di With this cooking method, you En choisissant ce mode de Riscaldamento, potete usare il can operate the oven in the chauffage, vous pourrez utiliser Forno come al solito e ricorrere normal way and follow the le four comme d'habitude et Il piatto da cuocere deve The food to be cooked should Le plat à cuire doit être placé de Middle shelf of the oven. The gas appliance oproduces heat GH O¶DSSDUHLO DX JD] SURGXLW La lampada del forno deve The oven light must have La lampe du four doit ré- A) it must be able to resist ristiques bien précises : B) power supply: see V/Hz (jusqu'à 300 degrés) Prima di procedere, stac- from the main electricity d) raccord de type E14 - per evitare danni, stendere tea cloth in the oven Nel forno uno strofinaccio - unscrew the glass cover of tation, - svitare la protezione in ve- - unscrew the old light bulb - pour éviter tout endom- E sostituirla con la nuova - put back the glass cover vaisselle, To replace fit the door, fit the et vers l'extérieur du four The documentation provided with this oven has been printed on chlorine free bleached paper or recycled paper to show respect for the environment. By recycling the packaging, you will help save raw materials as well as reducing the bulk of domestic and industrial waste. [. . . ]